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送礼物英语对话 三分钟

2022-02-21 17:20:33 | 人围观 | 评论:

分类:礼物  英文  英语

急求一篇关于商店售货员和顾客之间的买礼物的英文情景对话 -...

seller:What can I do for you?customer:I want to buy a present for my wife.seller:what kind of present does your wife like?customer:maybe 。

收到好朋友生日礼物感谢她用英文情景对话怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

thank you for your gift.I think it is the best present I've recieved and I like it very much!


噢.领带对男士来讲是不错的礼物.能让我看看吗? 辛迪: Of course, here you are. What would you think of my tie? 当然可以.给你.你认为我买的领带。


思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitate... Your。

两个人讨论送什么生日礼物给父亲的 英文对话

-Hi,LiLei,is it your birthday tomorrow? -No,tomorrow is my father's birthday. -Oh,really?What will you get to him for greeting? -I don't 。


Tomorrow is my good friend 's birthday ,I am very happy .But the question is what gift for her I should ?Finally I decide to make a beautiful ca。

老师 recevi和send give区别是什么_沪江网校知识库

receive:从别人那里收到东西。I received a gift from my mom.我从妈妈那里收到了一份礼物。send:发送,送。I sent the message to her.我给她发了。


S:May I help M:I want a pair of shoes as a present for my mother.Her birthday is coming.S:Here the shoes are.What color does your mother 。

如何送别人礼物的英文作文120字 - 雨露学习互助

楼上写的是最简单的小学生式的记叙文,而楼主要求的“如何送别人礼物”显然是个议论文.我觉得可以这样写:How to Choose the Perfect GiftIt is almo。

关于收到礼物的心情的英语作文 80词左右

It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting o。

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