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2022-02-16 23:43:01 | 人围观 | 评论:

分类:英语  礼物  送礼物

世界各国送礼物的禁忌 英文的

The British general price not expensive but have a memorable gift, don't send the lilies, because it means death. Receive gifts to open p。


when you give people present,don't present clock.Chinese think that's not a good manner.

英语翻译朋友生日送礼物很讲究· 第一钟不能送 第二鞋不能送...

something to learn before you send gifts to your friends. First,the clock is not a proper gift,because it means to send sb. an end. Secon。


Social gift giving is popular and well-established in Germany but has certain do’s and don’ts. 噢!这个错可犯大了!交际中送礼在德国早已司。


England:You are supposed to kiss in England. China:You are supposed to shake hands in China. India:You are supposed to bow in India. Russ。


Don't give clock,shoes and pears to people as presents because they have bad meanings


本来以为不用回答了的,但是看到楼上的语法十分有问题. 1. Giving presents to other countries is a Vulgate social convenance in all parts of t。


接受礼物时,除了向对方道谢外,外国人,尤其是英美人士还习惯当场拆开礼物,并且礼貌地问一句May I open it?礼物拆开后,再大大赞扬一番。送礼和收到礼物后常用。


用英语怎么说 直译的话就是 Could you give me some gifts? 不过这样问是不是不礼貌啊,很不客气的样子。建议委婉点咯 Have you some surprises for。


Chinese would like to give red envelope in some special occasions ,such as Chinese new year ,to the kids , Families, or friends,Especially for wedd。

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